Structure of the Celtic Progression

The organisation is to develop its administrative structure organically. As the number of potential participants, volunteers and guardians register on the ICT system the Board will create the various committees and will provide terms of reference to each for the members to discuss and agree.

It is proposed to create a number of committees to address the various sections of operation of the organisation including;

  • Governance Committee

  • Finance Committee

  • Programme Committee

  • Location Committee

  • Parents Committee

Governance Committee

It is proposed to create a Committee with responsibility to identify and propose appropriate procedures and policies to cover all aspects of the new organisation. 

Including areas:

  • GDPR

  • Health and Safety

  • Garda Vetting

  • Corporate Governance

  • Review of internal Controls

Finance Committee 

Will cover all areas relating to finances including being responsible for the budgeting and funding approaches of the organisation.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Budgeting monthly and programme based

  • Setting the registration fee

  • Setting participant application fee if any

  • Accounting Policy and Procedures

  • Programme approval

Programme Committee

Will cover the structure of the individual programme for a particular group.


  • The scheduling of daily activities from arrival to departure

  • What is appropriate accommodation?

  • What are the appropriate supports needs?

  • What games / activities will be required?

  •  What equipment is required?

  • The timing and mixture of activities each day 

Location Committee

This committee will have the responsibility for ensuring that the locations for the accommodation and programme of activities are appropriate.


  • Suitability for the individuals on the programme

  • House parents are inducted and / or qualified

  • Transport to and from activities are available

  • Locations for the individual activities

  • Staffing at the individual locations

Parents / Guardians Committee

This committee will be expected to be proactive in assessing the “Categories” that should be catered for.


  • Identifying the mix of categories

  • Supports that would be required for each individual category

  • Suggestions on appropriate Activities, accommodation and / or group structure 

  • Anything else 


Employers liability and Public Liability will be in place for the organisation, however insurance will need to be secured for each category once the programme of activities is finalised. 

Garda Vetting

All staff, volunteers, participants individual members of host houses will be fully garda vetted prior to being allowed to be involved in any activities.Or will be garda vetted by the host organisation and under an appropriate data sharing agreement this will be shared with the celtic progression


Draft policies are available for discussion amendment and adoption once appropriate groups are established for each individual programmes.


The Programme of Activity will need to be developed for each category on a collaborative basis between the professionals and the participants (of their parents). The activities can be Sports based such as swimming, horse riding, golf and soccer etc.. or cultural such as art, drama, life skills etc… this will be specific to each category and group.

Programme of Activities

Parents and the relevant professionals will need to agree the Terms of Reference for the group at the outset. Once agreed then the appropriate professional and parent representatives will work with the Celtic Progression to establish a draft programme of Activities in terms of duration and content. The Programme of Activity will need to be developed for each category. This will be considered by the management in terms of resources including human, financial and location etc. When this is approved then the draft program will be presented to the full category for consideration.